Kutoka Interactive Video Games Video Games User Manual

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Romaine's new hideout
What is this big metal thing next to Romaine's hammock? A safe? It might hold valuable information. Let's open it. Click on the safe
to play “Romaine's Safe” activity (see description on page XYZ of this manual). This allows Mia to put her hands on Romaine's plan
to steal the Queen's treasure. Now, quick! You have to leave the basement before Romaine gets back. To go back to the basement,
use the stairs you used to get in the room.
The basement
Just in time! Romaine is coming back with his cousins, revealing a part of his plan to steal the Queen's treasure. Mia has just enough
time to hide so the cousins don't see her. Marty contacts Mia through the communication system to tell her that Mao, the young Bugaboo
he has previously met in the store, could help in the adventure. He is outside of the house at his new headquarters.
Mia now needs to climb on the broomstick to get on the workbench, and from there reach the garden outside of the house, where Mao is.
First go put some glue on Mia's feet and hands. You can get glue by clicking on the metallic glue gun, next to the big red toolbox.
Then, go click on the broomstick that is between the book and Romaine's hideout's gate. Mia is now climbing up to the workbench.
The workbench
Now that you are on the workbench, you must find a way to reach the window. Go find the airplane that is at the other end of the panorama
and click on it. It belongs to Dingbat, the little bat reading a book. Go speak to him. He is willing to lend his airplane in return for some help
with his activity book. But first, the airplane needs an elastic to fly! Go at the right end of the panorama, you can find an elastic on the metal
handle next to the blue and white cloth. Click on the elastic and Mia will go grab it. You can then go give it to Dingbat. One last thing before
you can use the airplane : you have to help him with his activity book. After you've given Dingbat the elastic, click on the activity book beneath
him to play “Bat Cadet” activity (see description on page XYZ of this manual). Once the activity is completed, you can use the airplane
to make Mia fly out the window.
Outside the window
You have reached the garden! Start by picking up the green Sparklie. It's a green diamond-like stone hidden somewhere in the garden
and will be useful later. Now go pick the safety pin that is near the bell. Now that you have the safety pin, click on the bell to call Mr. Mole,
he is sure to know where Mao is. Speak with him, then click on his burrow to follow him.
Mr. Mole's burrow
Click on Mr. Mole to speak with him. Before he tells you how to find Mao, you have to help him with his stamp collection.
Click on the big album to play “Mr. Mole’s Stamps” activity (see description on page XYZ of this manual). After you are done,
Mr. Mole tells you how to find Mao. Click on the ladder and climb to the Resistance's Headquarters.
The Resistance's Headquarters
Mao must be somewhere around here! Let's find him! Go see the sentinel bug standing in front of a tent, he will help you in exchange
for a Sparklie. Give him the green Sparklie you picked up earlier on. If you did not pick it up, any other Sparklie that you might already
have will do. After you give him the Sparklie, Mao shows up and agrees to work together with Mia. It's time to go back! Click on
the colored ladder near the daisies to go back to Mr. Mole's Burrow.
Mr. Mole's burrow
Quick, let's go take the inflatable pillow that the bumblebee was sleeping on! Go there using the stairs on the other side of Mr. Mole's burrow.
Outside the window
Go see Bumblebee, she needs some help with this game next to her. Click on the big blue box to play “Lite Write” activity
(see description on page XYZ of this manual). After you're successful, the bumblebee will lend you her self-inflating pillow so you came
block Romaine’s escape route when he tries to steal the Queen's treasure. Now go back to Mr. Mole's burrow by clicking on the little wooden steps.
From there you will be able to go back into the house.
Mr. Mole's burrow
Mr. Mole has left, and with his album closed there is now a passage that was not previously visible. Click on it to go down straight into
the house's basement, where you can complete your mission.
The tunnel crossing
You are now at the right place to stop Romaine from achieving his plans to steal the Queen's treasure. It's not seven o'clock yet,
and that leaves you just enough time to go speak with Jet Turtle. He proposes you to try his new game. It really looks fun, and it's always
better than just waiting for time to go by. Click on the screen displaying scrolling images, right next to Jet, to play “Write & Spell” activity
(see description on page XYZ of this manual). After you have completed this final activity, sit back and enjoy: you will know the happy
conclusion to this Story.
Activity 01: Letter Arcade
Letter and word relationships
To win this game, you have to find the missing letters in words seen on a little piece of paper. The missing letters are found on jelly beans.
To pick up the jelly beans, you have to move a joystick controlling a vacuum straw. Move it over the right jellybean and press the vacuum
button on the joystick (or the ENTER key).