Kutoka Interactive Video Games Video Games User Manual

There are two possible types of installation: partial or full. By default, a partial installation will be done. That means you will need
to keep your disk in the disk drive while playing. The full installation allows you to avoid using the DVD. However this type of installation
requires 1.2 GB of free space on the hard disk of your computer.
The following procedure applies to both types of installation. In order to perform a full install you must click on the “Options” button
and then on the Full Install button.
Important: If more than one account has been created on your computer, it is important to install the game in an administrative account.
( Generally, the administrative account is the first account created on the computer. If your computer has only one account, you can just
ignore this.)
1. Insert the Mia DVD in your disk drive.
A DVD-ROM icon appears on your desktop.
2. Double-click the DVD-ROM icon on your desktop.
A window is displayed on your screen.
3. Double-click the Installer icon.
A new window appears on your screen. Two options appear: Install or Quit.
4. Click on the Install button to begin the installation.
The files are copied.
5. Double-click on the Mia icon located on your desktop to launch the game.
1. Insert the Mia DVD in your disk drive.
A DVD-ROM icon appears on your desktop.
2. Double-click the DVD-ROM icon on your desktop.
A window is displayed on your screen.
3. Double-click the Installer icon.
4. As indicated at the bottom of the window, press the “Shift” and “U” keys on your keyboard to uninstall the game.
A confirmation message is displayed.
5. Click on the “Yes” button to confirm.
The uninstallation is performed
Q: What are the other Mia games available on the market?
A: Mia “Romaine's New Hat” (Science); Mia “Just in Time!” (Math); Mia “The Kidnap Caper” (Language);
and “Click and Create with Mia” (Creativity).
Q: How do I know what version of the game I have?
A: The version number of your copy is written on the disk, just left of the Copyright notice.
The version begins with a V and is followed by 2 or 3 digits. (Example: V 1.0.1)
Q: Should there be an instruction manual in the retail box?
A: There is a full instruction manual in PDF format on the DVD. On Windows, you can open it from the Kutoka programs
folder in the Start menu. In Mac OS X, just double-click the Instructions Guide icon on the DVD.
Q: Is it possible to skip certain parts of the game to move faster into the game?
A: Yes. Press the space bar on your keyboard to skip the animated movies or the instructions for an activity.
You can also press the “Ctrl” and “E” keys or “Command” and “E” on the Macintosh to skip the activities.
Q: I see two black stripes, one above and one below the main game window on my monitor. Is this normal?
A: Yes. By default, the game is displayed in “Letter Box” format. It is possible to change the format of the display
in the Options Menu (F2 Key) to “Full screen”.
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