Kutoka Interactive Video Games Video Games User Manual

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The pointer turns into a closed hand to indicate that you have grabbed the object you clicked on.
When the pointer is changed into a speaker, it means you are above a word or an object that produces sound. Listen carefully!
Picking up Sparklies
There are sparklies scattered all over Mia's world. To pick up a sparkly, you must click on it and drag it over Mia.
She will grab it with her hands and put it in her backpack. Try this: drag a sparkly just above Mia's head and you'll see her jump up
in the air to grab it!
Help from Mia
To know where to go next or just to be reminded what to do, click on Mia's head. She will give you important hints and clues.
If she says nothing useful, keep exploring. Maybe you need to go a little further; maybe you are not in the right place?
The Arrow Keys - Mia's Skateboard
Did you know Mia is a skateboarding champ? Hold down the left or right arrow on your keyboard and Mia will take out her skateboard
and go in the direction of the arrow you are pressing. Learn other cool tricks! Press the “Ctrl” (“Command” for the Mac) key while holding
down the right or left arrow on your keyboard and see Mia glide with her board. Press the space bar while holding down the right or left
arrow on your keyboard and you'll see Mia flip her board! Be careful, Mia cannot skate everywhere because sometimes there
is not enough room and it would be dangerous.
F1 Key: Mia's Backpack
Everytime you pick up something, Mia puts it in her backpack. To see the items that are in it, press the F1 key on your keyboard.
Doing so will also allow you to see how many sparklies you have collected.
F2 Key: Options Menu
When you start a new game, you can get to the Options Menu in the last screen by clicking the Options button. In the middle of a game,
you can press the F2 key to bring up the same Options Menu.
To restart a game from the beginning, click on the new game icon.
You must click on this icon when you want to save your game.
To view the instructions movie, click on the question mark icon.
By clicking the family photo icon, you can see the credits for the game.