Rev. 1.01 16 900.0570
3.3.3 Dome (PTZ) Protocol
The keyboard can be set up to control RapidDome/Orbiter type domes using Honeywell
VCL protocol or KD6/HD6 type domes using Honeywell Diamond protocol.
Note: The protocol can only be set from the master keyboard. The protocol menu can
be viewed on a slave keyboard, but ‘AUX = SET’ will not be displayed, and no selection
will be allowed. To ensure slave keyboards have the correct protocol setting, they must
be set as slave keyboards, and connected to the master keyboard, before editing the
protocol on the master keyboard. Alternately entering and exiting the protocol menu on
the master keyboard, or powering up the master keyboard will re-send the protocol
setting to the slave keyboards.
To set the dome protocol, select ‘PRTCL’ in the keyboard setup menu. The following
menu will be displayed:
A U X = S E T L O C K = E N D
P R O T O C O L - V C L
Press ‘aux’ to toggle between ‘VCL’ and ‘DIAMOND’. Once the required protocol has
been selected, press ‘lock’ to exit the menu.