Dynex DX-CR121 Video Gaming Accessories User Manual

If memory cards do not appear in My Computer or Windows Explorer,
check the following:
Make sure the card reader is fully connected into your card
reader. Unplug and reconnect your card reader.
Try a different memory card of the same type in the same
slot. If a different memory card works, the original memory
card should be replaced.
Disconnect the cable from your card reader and shine a
flashlight into the empty card slots. Look to see if any pin
inside is bent, and straighten bent pins with the tip of a
mechanical pencil. Replace your memory card reader if a
pin has bent so much that it touches another pin.
If you can’t customize the drive icons after you install the
driver in your computer, if you have other card readers
connected to your PC, disconnet them and try to install the
driver again.