Breakfix Cereal Dispensers 105 Video Games User Manual

When you create an account, make a purchase, request services, participate in research or campaigns or otherwise interact
with us, we may ask for information such as your name, email address, phone number, street address, user names and
passwords, feedback, information relating to your devices, age, gender, and language, bank account number, credit card
details and other such financial information.
We also maintain records of your consents, preferences and settings relating to, for example, location data, marketing and
sharing of personal data.
Your transactions with us
We maintain records of your purchases, downloads, the content you have provided us with, your requests, agreements
between you and Microsoft Mobile, the products and services provided to you, payment and delivery details, your contacts
and communications and other interactions with us. We may, in accordance with applicable law, record your communication
with our customer care or with other such contact points.
Positioning and Location data
Location-based services establish location through the use of satellite, mobile, Wi-Fi or other network based positioning
methods. These technologies may involve exchanging your location data and unique device and mobile, Wi-Fi or other
network related identifiers with Microsoft Mobile. Our products may operate on multiple device platforms, applications and
services which may also collect your location data. We do not use this information to identify you personally without your
When you use our location based services and features, for example location based search, navigation and routing or request
for map data, your location data is sent to Microsoft Mobile to serve you with the right content which may also include
location based advertising.
Why Do We Process Personal Data?
Microsoft Mobile may process your personal data for the following purposes. One or more purposes may apply simultaneously.
Providing products and services
We may use your personal data to provide you with our products and services, to process your requests or as otherwise
may be necessary to perform the contract between you and Microsoft Mobile, to ensure the functionality and security of
our products and services, to identify you as well as to prevent and investigate fraud and other misuses.
Some services may require an account to help you manage your content and preferences. For more information, see our
account supplement.
Developing and managing products and services
We may use your personal data to develop and manage our products, services, customer care, sales and marketing. We may
combine personal data collected in connection with your use of a particular Microsoft Mobile product and/or service with
other personal data we may have about you, unless such personal data was collected for a different purpose.
Communicating with you
We may use your personal data to communicate with you, for example to inform you that our services have changed or to
send you critical alerts and other such notices relating to our products and/or services and to contact you for customer
care related purposes.
Marketing, advertising and making recommendations
We may contact you to inform you of new products, services or promotions we may offer and to conduct market research
when we have your consent or it is otherwise allowed. We may use your personal data to personalise our offering and to
provide you with more relevant services, for example, to make recommendations and to display customised content and
advertising in our services. This may include displaying Microsoft Mobile and third party content.
Do We Share Personal Data?
We do not sell, lease, rent or otherwise disclose your personal data to third parties unless otherwise stated below.
Your consent and social sharing services
We may share your personal data if we have your consent to do so. Some services may allow you to share your personal
data with other users of the service or with other services and their users. Please consider carefully before disclosing any
personal data or other information that might be accessible to other users.
Microsoft Mobile companies and authorised third parties
© 2014 Microsoft Mobile. All rights reserved.