Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide 55
Selecting ZPL Mode
Press Display Shows Action/Explanation
Selecting ZPL Mode: Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL
key to display other choices.
Default: ZPL II
Selections: ZPL II, ZPL
The printer remains in the selected mode until it is changed by
this front panel instruction or by using a ZPL/ZPL II command.
The printer accepts label formats written in either ZPL or ZPL II.
This eliminates the need to rewrite any ZPL formats you already
have. Refer to the ZPL II Programming Guide for more
information on the differences between ZPL and ZPL II.
Power-Up and Head Close Parameters
Media Power-Up: Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key
to display other choices.
Default: Calibration
Selections: Feed, calibration, length, and no motion
This parameter establishes the action of the media when the
printer is turned on.
• Calibration: Determines the length of the label.
• Feed: Feeds the label to the first registration point.
• Length: Used in continuous mode to feed the last stored label
• No Motion: Media does not move.
Head Close: Press the RIGHT or LEFT BLACK OVAL key to
display other choices.
Default: Calibration
Selections: Feed, calibration, length, no motion
Determines the action of the media after the printhead has been
opened and then closed.
• Calibration: Determines the length of the label.
• Feed: Feeds the label to the first registration point.
• Length: Used in continuous mode to feed the last stored label
• No Motion: Media does not move.