Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide 3
The warranties provided above are the only warranties applicable. No
other warranties, expressed or implied, are given. Zebra does not make any
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE in connection with its sale of products or
services. While Zebra’s desire is to be responsive to specific needs and
questions, Zebra does not assume responsibility for any specific
application to which any products are applied including, but not limited to,
compatibility with other equipment. All statements, technical information
or recommendations relating to Zebra products are based upon tests
believed to be reliable yet do not constitute a guaranty or warranty.
Zebra’s maximum liability for warranty claims is limited to the invoice
price of the product claimed defective. Zebra does not assume
responsibility for delays or replacement or repair of products. Zebra shall
not under any circumstances whatsoever be liable to any party for loss of
profits, lost data, diminution of good will, or any other special or
consequential damages whatsoever with respect to any claim made under
agreement with Zebra. Specifically for software, Zebra is not liable for
any incidental or consequential damages caused by abuse or
misapplication of the software or by its use in violation of the U.S.
copyright law or international treaty.
No salesperson, representative, or agent of Zebra is authorized to make
any guaranty, warranty, or representation that contradicts the foregoing.
Any waiver, alteration, addition or modification to the foregoing
warranties must be in writing and signed by an executive officer of Zebra
to be valid.