oR Command - Character Substitution (Euro)
The oR command is a global printer command.
It can not be issued inside of a form.
It must be issued prior to issuing a text com
mand (and printing).
Effects a single character on a single code
page. Changing the character position will
restore the original character.
Flash memory printer parameter data is pre
served until it is changed by the oR com
mand or reprogramming of the printer.
oRE¿ : Places the Euro character into character
: map position 213 decimal
: (D5 hexadecimal)
oRE,128¿ : Places the Euro into character map
: position 128 decimal (80 hexadecimal)
oR¿ : Clears Character Substitution,
: Restores default character maps
980352-001 Rev.A