
Placing Elements in
the Print Image
Image elements are located in the image print
buffer on a X-Y grid expressed in dots. The X
value represents the width and the Y value rep
resents the height of the grid.
The point of origin (the starting point) for a
non-rotated object is the upper left corner. As
an object rotates, the point of origin rotates with
the object.
These image buffer properties are depicted
graphically in the following illustration.
Sample Format
The minimum non printing margin on all edges
of the label is 1mm. Printing closer than 1mm to
the top or bottom edge of the label may cause
the printer to advance unwanted labels or cause
the printer to go into error condition.
980352-001 Rev.A
x axis
y axis
Direction Of Feed
Te x t
Te x t
Te x t
Point of
Origin for
Te xt O bje ct
Point of
Origin for
Te xt O bje ct
Rotated 90°
Point of
Origin for
Te xt O bje ct
Rotated 270
Point of
Origin for
BarCode Object
"q" dots