
98 www.xilinx.com Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
UG492 July 23, 2010
Chapter 10: Configuration and Status
MAC Header Filter Configuration
When the core is generated in “EDK pcore Format”, the “Legacy MAC Header Filters” are
not included since the xps_ll_temac can optionally contain its own Address Filter logic.
When not provided, the following address locations will return 0s for a read and all writes
will be ignored.
When the core is generated in “Standard CORE Generator Format”, the “Legacy MAC
Header Filters” are provided. These filters are present on the Rx Legacy traffic path, are
capable of providing match recognition logic against eight unique MAC frame headers.
Each of the eight individual filters require eight memory mapped registers to configure
them, as defined in Table 10-16. Each individual filter contains its own set of these eight
registers. When interpreting Table 10-16, the variable filter# should be replaced with an
integer number between 0 and 7, which represent the eight individual filters.
3 0 WO PTP Receiver logic reset. When written with a '1',
forces the PTP receiver logic of the core to be reset.
This is a subset of the full receiver path reset of bit 1.
This reset does not affect PTP receiver configuration
If read, always returns 0.
31-4 0 RO Unused
Table 10-15: Software Reset Register (Address at PLB_base_address + 0x2828)
Bit Number Default Access Description
Table 10-16: MAC Header Filter Configuration Registers
Address Default Access Description
+ 0x3000
+ (filter# * 0x20)
+ 0x0
0xFFFFFFFF R/W Match Pattern: Ethernet frame bits 0 to 31
32 bit pattern to match against the Ethernet
frame bits 0 to 31. Specifically, match pattern
[31:0]: MAC Destination Address Field bits
+ 0x3000
+ (filter# * 0x20)
+ 0x4
0x0000FFFF R/W Match Pattern: Ethernet frame bits 32 to 63
32 bit pattern to match against the Ethernet
frame bits 32 to 63. Specifically, match pattern
[15:0]: MAC Destination Address Field bits
[31:16]: MAC Source Address Field bits [15:0]
+ 0x3000
+ (filter# * 0x20)
+ 0x8
0x00000000 R/W Match Pattern: Ethernet frame bits 64 to 95
32 bit pattern to match against the Ethernet
frame bits 64 to 95. Specifically, match pattern
[31:0]: MAC Source Address bits [47:16]