
116 www.xilinx.com Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
UG492 July 23, 2010
Chapter 12: System Integration
LogiCORE IP Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MACs
Virtex-5 FPGA Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC Wrapper Generation
When generating the Virtex-5 FPGA Embedded Ethernet MAC Wrapper (EMAC) in the
CORE Generator software, be sure that the following options are selected:
Enable EMACs. Enable only a single EMAC (from the pair) at this time
Host Type. Select Host
Speed. Select Tri-speed
Global Buffer Usage. Clock Enable
Flow Control Configuration. Disabled
EMAC0 Configuration. Enable VLAN Enable in both the Transmitter Configuration and
Receiver Configuration boxes
See the Virtex-5 Embedded Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC Wrapper Getting Started Guide (UG340
) for
additional information.