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How Do I Use It?
1. Tap the following buttons: , , .
2. Enter a name for the saved route, and then tap
When you save a route, TRAX436 not only saves the route points but the
whole itinerary:
• ThesavedroutemighthavebeeninuencedbyTMCinformation.
When you later use the route, it appears as it was saved, but if it needs
to be recalculated, the current TMC information will be used in the new
• Ifyouupdatedyourmapsinceyourstsavedtheroute,
TRAX436 recognises the change, and recalculates the driving
instructions according to the latest available map information.
• TRAX436deletesfromtheroutetheviapointsthatyoualready
left behind during navigation together with the road segments
used to reach it. To avoid this, if you want to save the route, you
need to save it before you start navigating.
Loading a saved route
This feature is available in Advanced mode only.
The procedure is explained starting from the Map screen.
1. Tap the following buttons:
, , .
2. Tap the route you wish to navigate.
3. In the very likely case when the start position of the saved route is
want to stop navigating from the current GPS position to use the start point
of the loaded route.
• Ifyouchoosethisoption,theautomaticoff-routerecalculationwillbe
• IfyouchoosetokeepthecurrentGPSpositionasthestartpoint,the
route will be recalculated starting from your current position.
4. The map appears, and you can start navigating.