
Page 57
How Do I Use It?
(Simple mode) or
(Advanced mode) from the Cursor menu. The route is then
automatically calculated, and you can start navigating.
Tips on entering addresses quickly
• Whenyouareenteringthenameofasettlementorastreet,
TRAX436 only displays those characters that appear in possible
search results. The other characters are greyed out.
• Whenenteringthesettlementnameorthestreetname,tapthe
button after a couple of letters; TRAX436 lists the
items that contain the character set.
• Youcanspeedupndinganintersection:
• Searchrstforthestreetwithalesscommonorlessusual
• Ifoneofthestreetsisshorter,searchforthatonerst.You
• Youcansearchforboththetypeandthenameofaroad.Ifthesame
word appears in several names, for example in the name of streets, roads
the street type: For example, enter Pi A to obtain Pine Avenue and skip
all Pine Streets and Pickwick Roads.
• Youcanalsosearchinpostalcodes.Thisisusefulwhena
street name is common and it is used in several districts of a city.
Selecting the destination from your Favourites
You can select a location that you have already saved as a Favourite to
be your destination.
The procedure is explained starting from the Navigation menu.
1. Tap the following buttons:
(Simple mode) or
, (Advanced mode).
2. Tap the Favourite that you want to set as your destination.