
www.uniden.com.au, www.uniden.co.nz42
Navigation Software
Navigation Software
42 www.uniden.co.nz
UI Settings
The UI Settings allows for customization of the UI (User Interface).
1. Touch[UI Settings] on the Setting screen.
2. Specify UI setting options.
3. To change the icon of the car displayed on the map window,
touch [Change Car].
Note :
- [
Language]: Select your language (English/Korean).
- [Guidance Mode]: Select the guidance mode for the map window (Auto/Split/Text).
- [Side Bar]: Select the location of the side bar (Left Side/Right Side/Hide).
- [Change Car]: Change the icon of the car to be displayed on the map window.
Guidance Mode-Auto Guidance Mode-Text Guidance Mode-Split
UI Settings
The UI Settings allows for customization of the UI (User Interface).
1. Touch [UI Settings] on the Setting screen.
2. Specify UI setting options.
3. To change the icon of the car displayed on the map window,
touch [Change Car].
Note :
- [Language]: Select your language (English/Korean).
- [Guidance Mode]: Select the guidance mode for the map window (Auto/Split/Text).
- [Side Bar]: Select the location of the side bar (Left Side/Right Side/Hide).
- [Change Car]: Change the icon of the car to be displayed on the map window.
GNS8431-8436 OM-COVERS.indd 42 5/11/07 3:30:10 PM