
When used correctly, the GNS8431/8436 enhances
your driving experience. The voice and map
information in the GNS8431/8436 cannot be
guaranteed accurate as road layout may change.
Always follow the posted road signs and traffic laws.
Do not mount the GNS8431/8436 in a position which
may obstruct the driver's view or prevent the safe
operation of the vehicle.
Do not mount the GNS8431/8436 in a position within
an air bag field of deployment.
GPS signal reception can be affected by the location
of satellites, tall buildings, tunnels, bridges, etc. If the
GNS8431/8436 is not receiving a signal, you will
need to change your location until a signal is
The US Government reserves the right to make
changes to the Global Positioning System in
accordance with the Department of Defence civil GPS
user policy and the Federal Radio navigation plan.
These changes along with poor satellite geometry
could cause inaccurate readings.
The Global Positioning System is operated and
maintained by the US Government. The US
Government is completely responsible for the
accuracy of the Global Positioning System.