
D.10 Error Messages
There are a number of different error message responses that may
appear on screen in the event of an error. The following table reflects
these error message responses, as well as the action(s) required to
correct them.
Error Message Response Action to Correct Error
System errors: Reboot the computer
"ID is not reported" Call Uniden Customer
“1D does not exist" Service for troubleshoot
"Get buffer failed" ing and support.
"Data type not supported"
"Get buffer failed"
"Free buffer failed"
"Enqueue message failed"
"Dequeue message failed"
"Configuration registration failed"
"Modify failed"
"Modify access denied"
"Registration failed"
"Deregistration failed"
"List all command failed"
"List all command access denied"
"save-default command failed"
"save-default command access denied"
"Restore command failed"
"Restore command access denied"
"Memory buffer allocation failed"
"Invalid command or request"
"Modify failure, out of Check the range.
range parameter"
Uniden Data 2000 Wireless CDPD PC Card