
Uniden Data 2000 Wireless CDPD PC Card
AT Command Syntax Description of Command
AT IP # Set the active NEI(# = number from 1 to 10)
Response: OK
AT NEIn d.d.d.d Set NEI n (n = from 1 to 10). 0 to 255.
Response: OK
AT PASSWORD "new Change the current password. This requires
password" "new a logon
password" ** Response: OK
AT PREFER Set the side preference (1 = Side A only;
<1><2><3><4> 2 = Side B only; 3 = Side A is scanned first,
then Side B ; 4 = Side B scanned first then
Side A). Contact your service provider to
determine which setting they provide.
Response: OK
AT REG <1><0> Set Auto-Registration Mode
Response: OK
AT SPI n Set the Service Provider ID (SPI) preference
<REQ><PREF><EXCL> as either request/preferred/exclude/delete.
<DEL> Login required
Response: OK (Password required)
AT SPNI n Set the Service Provider Network ID (SPNI)
<REQ><PREF><EXCL> preference, as either
<DEL> request/preferred/exclude/delete.
Login required.
Response: OK
AT VERBOSE <0><1> or Disable/enable verbose AT
AT V <0><1> responses. Login required.
Response: OK
AT WASI n <REQ> Set preference for the WASI number as
<PREF><EXCL><DEL> either request/preferred/exclude/delete.
Login required.
Response: OK