
Pre-programmed frequencies specific to each state (except Hawaii).
Pre-programming by the following categories:
-Highway Patrol/State Police
-Local Police and County Sheriffs
-State Departments of Transportation (DOT)
-Fire and Emergency Medical Services
-News Media
-Weather (continuous NOAA weather and Canadian Coast Guard broadcasts)
100 channels of user-programmable frequencies available
-Program frequencies into each of the above banks, or
-Program your own bank of 25 Private frequencies
Highway Patrol Priority Alert
-Receive audible and visual alert when within three miles of many Highway Patrol/State units
CB Search - Search all 40 CB channels
Band Search Search through 12 bands of radio spectrum for frequencies.
26 MHz - 956 MHz - Scan these frequency ranges with your BCT7. (Note: the
frequency coverage is not totally continuous.)
Data Skip - Skip certain data signals and unmodulated transmissions.
Memory Backup - In case of a power failure, user-programmed frequencies are retained
in memory for approximately 30 days.