Going by patrol cars and not receiving
Make sure you are scanning one of the Warning Alert Frequency Banks - Highway, Police,
or DOT.
Check antenna connections.
Conditions to activate the alarm are variable and depend upon the timing of the dispatcher
transmissions and proximity of patrol car to your vehicle. Also, terrain and other factors may
be involved.
Officer has the ability to turn off the mobile extender when off-duty, or when going to court,
etc., but will normally leave extender operating when on traffic duty.
If you’re monitoring user-programmed frequencies, switch to one of the preprogrammed
frequency banks.
The radio keeps locking-up on
frequencies filled with strange noises
or transmissions (aircraft
communications, weather, etc.)
Sometimes, in a heavily congested area with a lot of radio transmitters (an urban area or an
area where TV/ radio towers are located), this always occurs. Try turning your squelch down
or locking out the offending frequencies.
If you still cannot get satisfactory results, call the Uniden Customer Service Center at 1-800-297-1023, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Central, Monday through Friday.