
Customizing Data Fields
Many of the navigation screens have data fields that display navigational information. You
can customize these fields for each navigation screen separately with 17 different data types:
Bearing The direction to your destination from your present position, in
degrees, from North.
Distance The distance to your destination, measured in the Nav Units
you selected.
Speed The rate at which you are travelling, measured in the Nav Units
you selected.
Heading The direction you are moving, measured in degrees. When the
heading and bearing are the same, you are travelling on a
direct line to your destination
VMG (Velocity Made Good). The speed at which you are getting
closer to your destination. If the heading and bearing are the
same, the VMG will be the same as Speed, since all the speed
you are travelling is being applied to arriving to your
destination. However, if you are off course, your VMG will be
less than the speed at which you are travelling.
CTS (Course To Steer). The angle you need to turn to put you back
on course.
ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival). The local time at which you will
arrive at your destination, based on the rate of speed you are
moving to your destination. (See VMG.)
ETE (Estimated Time Enroute). The length of time it will take you to
arrive at your destination, based on your present speed to the
XTE (Cross Track Error). XTE is the perpendicular distance from
your present position to the course line you should be on to go
to your destination.
Turn The direction you need to turn to put you on the shortest
distance to your destination from your present position.
Elevation The distance above sea level you are presently at.
Time Current local time.
Date Current date.
EPE Estimated Position Error, in feet.
Avg. Speed Displays average speed.
Max. Speed Displays maximum speed.
Battery Displays percentage of battery power remaining.
Mystic OM.book Page 63 Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:59 PM