Nominal Data
Nominal Compressor B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2 D3 E3
Tonnage (60 Hz) 175-200 200-225 225-275 275-325 325-400 375-450 N/A N/A
Tonnage (50 Hz) 125-150 150-175 175-225 225-275 275-325 300-350 325-375 375-450
1. Chiller selections can be optimized through the use of the ARI-Certified Series R selection program and by contacting your
local Trane sales office.
General Data
General Data
Evaporator Condenser Refrigerant
Compressor Evaporator Condenser Water Storage Water Storage Refrigerant Charge
Code Code Code Gallons Liters Gallons Liters Type lb kg
B1 B1 B1 41 155 28 106 HFC-134a 410 186
B1 C1 D1 55 208 31 117 HFC-134a 490 222
B2 B2 B2 45 170 29 110 HFC-134a 410 186
B2 C2 D2 58 220 34 129 HFC-134a 490 222
C1 D6 E5 45 170 29 110 HFC-134a 420 191
C1 D5 E4 52 197 32 121 HFC-134a 490 222
C1 E1 F1 82 310 60 226 HFC-134a 525 238
C2 D4 E4 52 197 32 121 HFC-134a 490 222
C2 D3 E3 78 295 47 178 HFC-134a 490 222
C2 G1 G1 136 515 79 299 HFC-134a 700 318
D1 D1 E1 69 261 44 166 HFC-134a 475 216
D1 F1 F2 102 386 57 216 HFC-134a 625 284
D1 G2 G2 144 545 91 344 HFC-134a 700 318
D2/D3 D2 E2 74 280 47 178 HFC-134a 475 216
D2/D3 F2 F3 107 405 61 231 HFC-134a 625 284
D2/D3 G3 G3 159 602 97 367 HFC-134a 700 318
E3 D2 E2 74 280 47 178 HFC-134a 475 216
E3 F2 F3 107 405 61 231 HFC-134a 625 284
E3 G3 G3 159 602 97 367 HFC-134a 700 318