A V X Q X E X A A B D Y 444 D A X A 4 X X X R X V X
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40,41,42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Digit 28 – Condenser Leaving Water
A = Standard
Digit 29 – Refrigerant Specialties
X = No Refrigerant Isolation Valves
V = With Refrigerant Isolation Valves
Digit 30 – Oil Cooler
X = Without Oil Cooler
C = With Oil Cooler
Digit 31 – Thermal Insulation
X = No Insulation
Q = Factory Installed Insulation
Digit 32 – Acoustic Insulation
X = No Insulation
A = Standard Insulation
Digit 33 – Control, Label, and Literature
E = English
Digit 34 – Safety Devices
X = Standard
Digit 35 – Factory Charge
A = Factory Refrigerant Charge (134a)
B = Factory Nitrogen Charge
Digit 36 – Shipping Package
A = Standard
B = Standard + Shrink Wrap
C = Standard + Skid
D = Standard + Skid + Shrink Wrap
Digit 37 – Flow Switch
X = No Flow Switch
A = Evaporator (NEMA 1)
B = Evaporator and Condenser (NEMA 1)
C = Evaporator (Vapor Proof)
D = Evaporator and Condenser (Vapor Proof)
Digit 38 – Factory Test
X = Standard Test
C = Witness Test
D = Performance Test
Digit 39 – Starter Type
Y = Wye Delta Closed Transition Starter
A = Solid State Starter
Digits 40, 41, 42 – Design RLA (for starter)
*** = Selection Assigned
Digit 43 – Power Line Connection Type
A = Terminal Blocks
B = Mechanical Disconnect Switch
D = Circuit Breaker
F = High Interrupt Circuit Breaker
H = Ground Fault Circuit Breaker
J = Ground Fault High Interrupt Circuit
Digit 44 – Enclosure Type
A = NEMA 1
Digit 45 – Under/Over Voltage Protection
X = None
U = With Under/Over Voltage Protection
Digit 46 – Operator Interface Language
A = Dyna-View/English
D = Dyna-View/French
G = Dyna-View/Traditional Chinese
H = Dyna-View/Simple Chinese
J = Dyna-View/Japanese
K = Dyna-View/Portuguese
L = Dyna-View/Korean
M = Dyna-View/Thai
Digit 47 – Digital Communication Interface
X = None
4 = Tracer Interface
5 = LCI-C (LonTalk)
Digit 48 – External Chilled Water and Current
Limit Setpoint
X = None
4 = 4-20mA input
2 = 2-10Vdc
Digit 49 – External Base Loading
X = None
4 = 4-20mA input
2 = 2-10Vdc input
Digit 50 – Icemaking
X = None
A = Icemaking with Relay
B = Icemaking without Relay
Digit 51 – Programmable Relays
X = None
R = With
Digit 52 – Chilled Water Reset
X = Chilled Water Reset – Return Water
T = Chilled Water Reset – Outdoor Air
Digit 53 – Control Outputs
X = None
V = Condenser Regulating Valve Control &
Percent RLA
P = Condenser Pressure (% HPC) & Percent
D = Chiller Differential Pressure & Percent
Digit 54 – Refrigerant Monitor Input
X = None
A = 100 ppm / 4-20mA
B = 1000 ppm / 4-20mA
C = 100 ppm / 2-10Vdc
D = 1000 ppm / 2-10Vdc