6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Section 4 Standard Programming
4.8.3 View Data This option allows you to view the data recorded by the sampler.
See Reports on page 4-18 for more information.
4.8.4 Grab Sample When selected, you will be asked to enter the volume to be
pumped. A sample will then be taken as if it is to be placed into a
container outside the sampler. Do this by removing the pump
tubing from the bulkhead fitting. See Grab Samples on page
4-14. A grab sample event will be logged.
4.8.5 Pump Tube Alarm If the pump tube is changed, this option should be selected to
reset the pump counts on the counter. This will remove the
appear while the program is running. A pump tube replaced
message is logged. See Replacing The Pump Tube in Section 7,
4.8.6 Calibrate Volume When selected, you will be asked to enter the volume to be
pumped. A sample will then be taken as if it is to be placed into a
container outside the sampler base. Do this by removing the
pump tubing from the bulkhead fitting.
After the sample has been pumped, you will then be asked to
enter the amount actually delivered. Once you have entered the
delivered volume and accepted the calibration, a volume
delivered event will be logged.
4.8.7 Cal/Adj Parameters When the sampler is configured for operation with a module, this
option becomes available. Selecting this option will display the
appropriate level adjustment screens and/or the calibration
screens. If the level is adjusted, an adjusted level event is logged.
If a parameter is calibrated, an appropriate event is logged.
Calibrating a parameter probe will temporarily “turn off” the
partition data storage and the sample enable/disable functions.
These functions are disabled during the calibration and for five
minutes after the program is resumed. During this time,
parameter data normally collected at the data storage interval
will be logged as a 252 error message.
4.8.8 Adjust Pacing This option is available when the running program is paced by
Time, Flow Pulses or Flow Volume. If you select this option, you
are asked to enter a new pacing interval. The sampler logs an
interval changed event.
The original pacing interval continues to count down until you
return the sampler to the running program (select resume
program). If the new pacing interval is less than the original
count remaining, the new interval is used.
If the original count remaining is less than the new pacing
interval, the original count will continue to count down to the
next sample event. Subsequent samples are then paced by the
new interval.