6712FR Refrigerated Sampler
Appendix B Material Safety Data Sheets
101 Christine Drive
Belen, New Mexico 87002
Phone: (505) 864-6691
Fax: (505) 861-2355
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET -- September 28, 1998
Packaged Desiccant
ISO 9002
Fire and Explosion Hazard - Negligible fire and explosion hazard when exposed to heat
or flame by reaction with incompatible substances.
Flash Point - Nonflammable.
Firefighting Media - Dry chemical, water spray, or foam. For larger fires, use water spray
fog or foam.
Firefighting - Nonflammable solids, liquids, or gases: Cool container
s that are exposed
to flames with water from the side until well after fire is out. For massive fire in enclosed
area, use unmanned hose holder or monitor nozzles; if this is impossible, withdraw from
area and let fire burn. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety
device or any discoloration of the tank due to fire.
Health hazards may ari
se from inhalation, ingestion, and/or contact with the skin and/or
eyes. Ingestion may result in damage to throat and esophagus and/or gastrointestinal
disorders. Inhalation may cause burning to the upper respiratory tract and/or temporary or
permanent lung damage. Prolonged or repeated contact with the skin, in absence of
proper hygiene, may cause dryness, irritation, a
nd/or dermatitis. Contact with eye tissue
may result in irritation, burns, or conjunctivitis.
First Aid (Inhalation) - Remove to fresh air immediately. If breathing has stopped, give
artificial respiration. Keep affected person warm and at rest. Get medical attention
First Aid (Ingestion) - If large amounts have been ingested, give emetics to cause
vomiting. Stomach s
iphon may be applied as well. Milk and fatty acids should be
avoided. Get medical attention immediately.
FirstAid(Eyes) -Washeyes immediately and carefully for 30minutes with running water.