CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Glossary- 11
Negative width
A timing measurement of the distance (time) between two amplitude
points — falling-edge MidRef (default 50%) and rising-edge MidRef (default
50%) — on a negative pulse.
Normal trigger mode
A mode on which the instrument does not acquire a waveform record unless
a valid trigger event occurs. It waits for a valid trigger event before acquiring
waveform data.
A logic (Boolean) function in which the output of the OR function is
complemented (true becomes false, and false becomes true). On the
instrument, a trigger logic pattern and state function.
Optical-to-Electrical converter
A device that converts an optical signal to an electrical signal.
A logic (Boolean) function in which the output is true if any of the inputs are
true. Otherwise the output is false. On the instrument, a trigger logic pattern
and state function.
Peak Detect acquisition mode
A mode in which the instrument saves the minimum and maximum samples
over two adjacent acquisition intervals. For many glitc h-free signals, this
mode is indistinguishable from the sample mode. (Peak detec t mode works with
rea l- time, non-interpola tion sampling only.)
Amplitude (voltage) measurement of the absolute difference between the
maximum and minimum amplitude.
A timing measurement of the time covered by one complete signal cycle. It
is the reciprocal of frequency and is measured in seconds.