Appendix A: Specifications
CSA7000 Series, TDS7000 Series, & TDS6000 Series Instruments User Manual
Table A- 6: Input/output port specifications (Cont.)
Characteristic Description
Auxiliary Output pulse width, typical Pulse width varies, 1 s minimum
External reference Run SPC whenever the external reference is more than 2000 ppm different
than the internal reference or the reference at which SPC was last run.
Frequency range 9.8 MHz to 10.2 MHz
nInput sensitivity ≥200 mV
Input voltage, maximum 7V
Input impedance >1.5 kΩ,C
= 40 pF (30 pF on TDS6000 Series), measured at >100 kHz
nInternal reference output
Frequency,CSA7000 Series, TDS6000 Series,
TDS7404, TDS7254, and TDS7154
10 MHz ᐔኃ1.5 ppm over any ≥100 ms interval. Aging <1 ppm per year
Frequency, TDS7104 and TDS7054 10 MHz ᐔኃ15 ppm over any ≥1 ms interval.
Output voltage V
high V
low (true)
≥2.5 V into open circuit,
≥1.0 V into 50 Ω load
≤0.7 V with ≤4masink,
≤0.25 V into 50 Ω load
Serial data output baud rate range (CSA7000 Series
Fbaud <1250 MBd. Out put swing of 1010 repeating pattern at this baud will
be at least 200 mV into 50 Ω.
Serial clock output frequency range (CSA7000 Series
Peak-to-peak output swing at 625 MHz is at least 200 mV p-p into 50 Ω.
Higher frequencies are further attenuated by approxim ately 6 dB per octave
above 625 MHz.
Use AC or DC coupled 50 Ω termination; AC coupling the clock provides
about 10% more amplitude.
Serial data and clock output voltages, typical
(CSA7000 Series only)
Vol = --1.7 V
Assumes a load impedance greater than 1 kΩ.(50Ω source term ination.)
If a 50 Ω or 75 Ω load is used, either use a DC blocking capacitor in series
with the s ignal or reference the termination to about --1.3 V. The signal
amplitude will be correspondingly reduced.
Serial data output latency, typical (CSA7000 Series
11 ns ±4 ns plus 35.5 clock cycles