Accessories and Options
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
The following accessories are orderable for use with the instrument at the time
this manual was originally published. C onsult a current Tektronix catalog for
additions, changes, and details.
Table 1- 4: Optional accessories
Item Part number
H 80A02 EOS/ESD Protect ion module 80A02
H Sampling Module Extender (1 meter) 012-1568-00
H Sampling Module Extender (2 meter) 012-1569-00
H 3.5Maleto3.5FemaleSMA 015-0552-00
H Slip-on SMA connector 015-0553-00
H 2X Attenuator (SMA Male-to-Female) 015-1001-00
H 5X Attenuator (SMA Male-to-Female) 015-1002-00
H 10X Attenuator (SMA Male-to-Female) 015-1003-00
H Power Divider 015-1014-00
H BNC Female 75 Ω to 50 Ω Type N Minimum Loss Att enuator 131-0112-00
H P6209 4 GHz Active FET Probe P6209
H P6150 9 GHz Passive Probe P6150
H Replacement hard disk drive 119-6241-00
H CSA8000 Series Communicati ons Signal Analyzers
TDS8000 Series Digital Sampl ing Oscilloscopes
Service Manual
H Calibration St ep Generator 067-1338-00