Measurement Reference Parameters and Methods
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
Mode TrackingMethod
Mode (of Histogram) sets the values statistically. Using a histogram, it selects the most common
value either above or below the midpoint (depending on whether it is defining the high or low
reference level). Si nce this st atisti cal approach ignores short-term aberrations (overshoot,
ringing, and so on), M ode is the best set ting for exami ning pulses.
Auto switc hes bet ween methods. Auto method first attempts to calculate the high and low
values using the Mode method. Then, if the histogram does not show obvious consistent high
and low l evels, Auto m ethod automatically switches to the Min/Max or Mean method.
For example, the Mode histogram operating on a triangle wave would not find consistent high
and low levels, so t he instrument would switch to the Min/Max mode. Consistent high and low
levels would be found on a square wave, so the Auto mode would use the Mode method.
Mid -reference Level
The mid-reference level (adjustable from the Meas S etup dialog box) defaults to
50% of the pulse amplitude. If measurement gates are enabled, the measurement
region is the area between the Start Gate (G1) and Stop Gate (G2). By default,
the algorithm searches forward from the Start Gate for the first rising edge, but
the direction can be reversed from Meas. Setup dialog box, so that the search
will be backward from the Stop Gate. See To Localize a Measurement on
page 3--83.
To Optimize the Vertical Resolution
Optimizing vertical resolution improves the result this measurement produces.
Try these methods:
H Execute Autoset (push AUTOSET on the front-panel).
H Adjust vertical scale (or increase input amplitude) to increase the overall
vertical size of the waveform, while keeping the waveform on screen.