Performance Verification
AWG510 & AWG520 Service Manual
Performance Tests
This section contains a collection of procedures for checking that the
AWG500–Series Waveform Generator performance as warranted.
The procedures are arranged in fifteen logical groupings, presented in the
following order:
Table 4-4: Performance test items
See (performance
Test items
Operating mode tests Page 4-23 Continuous, Triggered, and Gated
mode normality
Clock frequency tests Page 4-30 Clock frequency accuracy Page 1-5
Amplitude and offset accuracy tests (normal out) Page 4-32 Amplitude accuracy, and DC offset
Page 1-6
Amplitude, DC offset and rise time accuracy
tests (direct DA out)
Page 4-36 Amplitude accuracy, DC offset accuraĆ
cy and Rise time accuracy
Page 1-7
Pulse response tests Page 4-40 Rise time accuracy, Abberation, and
Page 1-6
Sine wave tests Page 4-43 Harmonics level accuracy, and Noise
level accuracy
Page 1-6
Internal trigger tests Page 4-45 Trigger interval normality Page 1-5
Trigger input tests Page 4-47 Trigger level accuracy, and Trigger
function normality
Page 1-11
Event input and enhanced mode tests page 4-52 External event input function normality,
Event mode normality
10 MHz reference input tests Page 4-59 Reference input normality, and
clock output frequency accuracy
Page 1-12
External clock input tests Page 4-61 External clock input normality Page 1-12
Add input tests Page 4-63 Add input function normality, and Input
level accuracy
Page 1-12
Marker output tests Page 4-65 Marker output level accuracy Page 1-8
Marker delay tests Page 4-69 Marker delay function Page 1-8
Digital data output tests (Option 03 only) Page 4-72 High and low level accuracies,
Output period accuracy, and Skew
Page 1-10
Clock output tests Page 4-76 Clock output normality Page 1-8
Noise output tests Page 4-78 Noise level accuracy Page 1-9
They check all the characteristics that are designated as checked in Specifica-
tions. (The characteristic items that must be checked are listed with the asterisk
(*) in Specifications).