AWG510 & AWG520 Service Manual
Table 1-23: Certifications and compliances (Cont.)
Installation category Description Terminals on this product may have different installation (over-voltage) category
designations. The installation categories are:
Category Examples of products in this category
DistributionĆlevel mains (usually permanently connected).
Equipment at this level is typically in a fixed industrial
CAT II LocalĆlevel mains (wall sockets). Equipment at this level
includes appliances, portable tools, and similar products.
Equipment is usually cordĆconnected
CAT I Secondary (signal level) or battery operated circuits of
electronic equipment
Pollution degree A measure of the contaminates that could occur in the environment around and within a
product. Typically the internal environment inside a product is considered to be the same
as the external. Products should be used only in the environment for which they are rated.
Pollution Degree 2 Normally only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs.
Occasionally a temporary conductivity that is caused by
condensation must be expected. This location is a typical
office/home environment. Temporary condensation occurs
only when the product is out of service.
Conditions of Approval Safety Certifications/Compliances are made for the following conditions:
Altitude (maximum operation): 2000 meters
IEC Characteristics Equipment type:
Test and Measuring
Installation Category II (as defined in IEC 61010-1, Annex J)
Pollution Degree 2 (as defined in IEC 61010-1)
Safety Class I (as defined in IEC 61010-1, Annex H)