Syntax and Commands
3-14 AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual
Trace Commands. Trace commands let you set the edit memory and user waveform
memory. Table 3-14 lists and describes Trace commands.
Trigger Commands. Trigger commands let you control all aspects of arbitrary/func-
tion generator triggering. Table 3-15 lists and describes Trigger commands.
AFG Control. AFG Control command copies setups between two channels.
Table 3-14: Trace commands
Header Description
TRACe|DATA:CATalog? Return user waveform memory status
TRACe|DATA:COPY Copy edit memory (or user waveform memory) content to
user waveform memory (or edit memory)
TRACe|DATA[:DATA] Set/query waveform data to edit memory
TRACe|DATA:DELete[:NAME] Delete user waveform memory contents
TRACe|DATA:DEFine Set edit memory content
TRACe|DATA:LOCK[:STATe] Set/query lock/unlock of user waveform memory
TRACe|DATA:POINts Set/query number of points for waveform data in edit memory
TRACe|DATA[:DATA]:LINE Write waveform data with interpolation
TRACe|DATA[:DATA]:VALue Set/query waveform data in edit memory
Table 3-15: Trigger commands
Header Description
ABORt Initialize trigger system
*TRG Force trigger event
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SLOPe Set/query the slope of trigger signal
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce Set/query the source of trigger signal
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:TIMer Set/query the period of internal clock
TRIGger[:SEQuence] [:IMMediate] Generate a trigger event
Table 3-16: AFG Control command
Header Description
AFGControl:CSCopy Copy CH1 (or CH2) setup parameters to CH2 (or CH1)