Syntax and Commands
3-12 AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual
Status Commands. Status commands let you determine the status of the instrument.
Table 3-11 lists and describes Status commands.
[SOURce[1|2]]:PWM:INTernal:FREQuency Set/query pulse width modulation frequency
[SOURce[1|2]]:PWM:INTernal:FUNCtion Set/query pulse width modulation waveform
[SOURce[1|2]]:PWM:INTernal:FUNCtion:EFILe Set/query EFILe name
[SOURce[1|2]]:PWM:SOURce Set/query pulse width modulation source
[SOURce[1|2]]:PWM:STATe Set/query pulse width modulation status
[SOURce[1|2]]:PWM [:DEViation]:DCYCle Set/query pulse width modulation deviation
[SOURce[1|2]]:SWEep:HTIMe Set/query sweep hold time
[SOURce[1|2]]:SWEep:MODE Set/query sweep mode
[SOURce[1|2]]:SWEep:RTIMe Set/query sweep return time
[SOURce[1|2]]:SWEep:SPACing Set/query sweep spacing
[SOURce[1|2]]:SWEep:TIME Set/query sweep time
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage:CONCurrent[:STATe] Set/query concurrent change of amplitude level
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage:LIMit:HIGH Set/query output amplitude upper limit
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage:LIMit:LOW Set/query output amplitude lower limit
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage:UNIT Set/query output amplitude units
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage [:LEVel][:IMMedi-
Set/query output amplitude high level
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage [:LEVel][:IMMedi-
Set/query output amplitude low level
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage [:LEVel][:IMMedi-
Set/query output offset voltage
[SOURce[1|2]]:VOLTage [:LEVel][:IMMediate]
Set/query output amplitude
Table 3-11: Status commands
Header Description
*CLS Clear all event registers and queues
*ESE Set/query standard event status enable register
*ESR? Return standard event status register
*PSC Set/query power-on status clear
*SRE Set/query service request enable register
*STB? Read status byte
STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? Return operation event register
STATus:OPERation:CONDition? Return operation condition register
STATus:OPERation:ENABle Set/query operation enable register
STATus:PRESet Preset SCPI enable register
Table 3-10: Source commands (cont.)
Header Description