Section 4— Switcher Operations
Effects Send Operations (Option)
The Effects Send option (purchased separately) allows video/key
signals in an M/E to be routed outside the switcher for processing
by an external device such as a DPM (Digital Picture
Manipulator), and then brought back into the same crosspoint
(Looping mode), or another crosspoint (Non-Looping mode) for
mixing and output. The switcher Aux Buses are used to output the
video/key signals to the external device.
There are two ways to use Effects Send: Looping Mode and Non-
Looping Mode. Both methods are described and demonstrated
below. Refer to your Operator’s Reference, Section 2, Preview/
Aux Bus Source Select and Delegate Subpanel
, for more
The ‘A’ and ‘B’ Keyers (BKGD A and BKGD B buttons selected
on the Keyer Subpanel) are only available for Effects Send when the
M/E is in Layered Mode.
■ Clear the switcher (see Clearing the Switcher on page 4-4).
■ Connect Auxiliary Bus #1 video and key outputs from the
switcher Serial Output Module as follows:
■ 2200: Serial Output 3, outputs labeled J5 (video) and J7
■ 3000: Aux 1, outputs labeled A (video) and B (video and
■ 4000: Serial Output 3, outputs labeled J1 (video) and J3