Keyframe Operations
Learn Keyframes
To learn the first keyframe of the effect into an E-MEM register,
setup a wipe pattern on a color background on M/E 1. Learn the
switcher condition into empty register number 5.
1. Select M/E 1 on the PGM bus.
2. Select Source 1 on M/E 1 ‘A’ bus, select Source 2 on M/E 1, ‘B’
3. Select a Wipe pattern (such as a circle or star) for M/E 1. Use
the Lever Arm to bring it to about 50% size. Position it in the
upper left-hand corner of the screen.
4. Press: LRN, BANK #, REGISTER # - This inserts the first
keyframe into the register.
5. Move the wipe - Press INSRT AFTER on the Effects Editing
Keypad - This inserts the second keyframe into the register.
6. Press REWIND and run the effect with the RUN button or the
E-MEM Subpanel Lever Arm.
Other Effect Run Options (Using REWIND, AUTO RUN, REV)
1. Press AUTO RUN. With AUTO RUN on, the effect automatically
rewinds and then runs whenever you invoke the effect by
pressing the E-MEM register number of the effect.
2. Pressing RUN a second time stops the effects run.
3. Press REWIND to reset the effect to Keyframe 1. Press RUN
again to run the effect.
4. Try running the effect in reverse. Again press REWIND.