
1760 Series Component Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manual G-1
AC Coupled A connection which removes the constant
voltage (DC component) on which the signal (AC compo-
nent) is riding. Usually impl emented by passing the signal
through a capacitor.
Analog Components Video signals in which a continu-
ously variable voltage or current (rather than a set of num-
bers) represents the value of a pixel.
APL (Average Picture Level.) The average signal level
(with respect to blanking) during active picture time, ex-
pressed as a percentage of the difference between the blank-
ing and reference white levels.
Back Porch The portion of the video signal which lies
between the trailing edge of the horizontal sync pulse and the
start of the active picture time. Burst is located on back
Bandwidth The range of frequencies ove r which signa l
amplitude remains constant (within some limit) as it is
passed through a system.
Baseband Refers to the composite video signal as it exists
before modulating the picture carrier. Composite video dis-
tributed throughout a studio and used for re cording is at base-
Betacam, Betacam Format Portable camera/recorder
system and related equipment originally developed by Sony;
the name may also be used for just the recorder or for the
interconnect format. Betacam uses a version of the Y, R--Y,
B--Y component set.
Black Burst (NTSC) Also called “color black,” black
burst is a composite video signal consisting of all horizontal
and vertical synchronization information, burst, and usually
setup. Typically used as the house reference synchronization
signal in television facilities.