
Appendix A: Performance Specification
1760 Series Component Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manual
Table A- 3: Wavefor m Horizontal Deflection
Sweep Req: Synchronization: Sweep triggered by horizon-
tal and vertical sync pulses
RI: Sweep Length: 12 divisions
RI: Sweep freeruns without input
Sweep Timing Accuracy Req: 1 Line: 5 s/division ±1%
2 Line: 10 s/division ±1%
RI: 1 Field displays one full field,
including field rate sync.
2 Field displays two full fields and
the f ield rate sync between them.
Sweep Linearity Req: 1 Line: ±1%
2 Line: ±1%
Magnified Sweep Accuracy Req: 1 Line: 0.2 s/division ±1%
2 Line: 1.0 s/division ±1%
Magnified Sweep Linearity Req: 1 Line: ±1%
2 Line: ±1%
Horizontal Position Range Req: Any portion of t he synchronized sweep can be
positioned on screen in all sweep modes.
External Horizontal Input Req: 2 divisions/volt, ±2%
RI: Menu is selected and enabled by RE-
MOTE connector ground closure.
Remote Sync RI: Input Amplitude: TTL level
RI: Frequency: 25 Hz to 100 Hz positive
edge-triggered sweep
RI: Enabling Signal: TTL low or ground