8 Galaxy II Operating Manual
MCF5206EFT54: U15
XCS30XL-5PQ208C: U16 - Inputs/Outputs
Field Programmable Gate Array
SST28VF040A-250-4C-NH: U4 - Boot Flash
512Kx8 250nS Flash Rom
CY7C1049V33-12VC: U14 - Video Memory, U13 - Ram
512Kx8 12nS SRAM
SST39VF160-90-4C-EK: U5 - Main Program Flash
1Mx16 90nS Flash Rom
DS1746W-70: U3 - Real Time Clock
MC34064P-5: U11
Low Voltage Inhibit
Z86E0412PSC: U1
Power On / Watchdog Reset / Target Head / Low
Voltage Detect
LT1086CT-3.3: VR2
3.3 Volt LDO Regulator
ULN2003A: U12,U18,U19
Line Driver
TDA2003H: U8
Audio Amp
SN75176B: U9
RS-485 Line Driver
MM74HCT04N: U10
Hex Inverter I.C.
Most major components operate on 3.3V except for U1,
U9 and U11, which operate at 5.0V.
The ColdFire 5206e interfaces with the memory that
includes two Flash memory IC's (U4, U5), and a battery
backed Dallas memory IC that includes a clock function.
The Flash memory is divided into:
1. Boot Flash which is required for the most basic func-
tions including loading new software (U4).
2. Program Flash (U5).
The ColdFire 5206e also interfaces to the Xilinx IC which
provides almost all of the INPUT and OUTPUT functions
including the VGA video output. The only INPUT/OUT-
PUT that comes direct from the ColdFire 5206e is the seri-
al communications for the COM IN, COM OUT and
A. Reset Circuit
The circuitry can be RESET by pressing the reset button
(SW2) on the mainboard. This will trigger the Zilog IC,
U1, and a reset pulse of the proper length will be sent to
all IC's that would require that signal.
B. Low Voltage Circuit
IC U11, a 34064, will trigger the RESET function if the DC
voltage (5 Volts) at the mainboard is too low. This will help
prevent bad data from getting into the Dallas volatile mem-
ory area. If the voltage stays low, the game will lock up
until the voltage goes to an acceptable level.
C. Player Change and Up Down Buttons
The player change and up/down push buttons are buffered
through ULN2003 IC's to prevent damage to the XiLinx
IC. The ULN2003 IC's are in sockets so they can be
replaced easily should they be damaged.
D. Player Change and Up Down Button
The player change and up/down buttons contain lamps that
are controlled by the game. The signals are generated from
the XiLinx IC, and buffered by ULN2003 IC's to control
the lamps.
E. Sound Circuit
Sound is generated by the XiLinx IC, pin 185, and ampli-
fied by U8, a TDA2003 amplifier. Volume can be adjusted
with RP1 volume control on the mainboard.
5.4 Video and Monitor
Video is generated with the XiLinx IC, and the weighted
RGB outputs are buffered with transistors Q1, Q2 and Q3.
The horizontal and vertical sync is buffered through U10,
a 74HCT04. All of the video signals go out through J13, a
standard PC style VGA connector. The monitor is a stan-
dard PC style VGA monitor.
5.5 Target Illumination
The target is illuminated by two standard 40 watt bulbs
mounted in reflecting boxes above the darthead. During
attract mode the bulbs are dimmed to discourage free play.
This is done by means of a dimmer PC board, mounted
next to the power supply.