4-8 Sun Netra CP3240 Switch Installation Guide • September 2009
4.3.2 e-Keying Bypass
e-Keying can be ignored by creating a uBoot environment variable as described in
Section 4.2.2, “E-Keying Control in uBoot” on page 4-6. When e-Keying is bypassed,
ports are no longer enabled or disabled based on the e-Keying state. The e-Keying
information is still shared with the shelf manager as usual, but now ports are
enabled regardless if the shelf manager enables them or not.
4.3.3 ATCA LEDs
The ATCA LEDs can be turned on from several sources, one of which is a Linux
driver. Both the Base and Fabric drive these LEDs. The red OOS LED is driven until
FASTPATH has loaded, at which point the green Healthy LED is driven. The OOS
LED signals are “OR” so that if one or more are active, the LED is on. The Healthy
LED signals are “AND.” The Base and Fabric must be booted into FASTPATH as
well as several hardware conditions must be met for this LED to be on.
4.4 Serial Select
A single-serial port is provided to control both CPUs. The ` key, usually in the
upper left key on the keyboard and the same key as ~, can be used to switch
between controlling the Base (3.0) and the Fabric (3.1). The ` key works in uBoot,
Linux, the BCM debug shell, and FASTPATH.
When you switch between Base and Fabric [Base] or [Fabric] is printed to the
console so that you know which one you are currently controlling.
(switch Base) #
(and then ENTER is pressed here)
(switch Base) #[Fabric]
(and then ENTER is pressed here)
(switch Fabric) #[ Base ]
(switch Base) #