Chapter 3 Configuring Jumper Settings 3-3
3.1.2 P6(1-2) Fabric Zero Reset Configuration Word
This jumper is used to configure the Fabric Gigabyte CPU to use the default Reset
Configuration Word, or use the one in the flash.
3.1.3 P6(3-4) Base Zero Reset Configuration Word
This jumper is used to configure the Base CPU to use the default Reset
Configuration Word, or use the one in the flash.
3.1.4 P8(1-2) Base Write Protect
This jumper configures write protection on the Base reset configuration word.
TABLE 3-3 P6 (1-2) Fabric Zero Reset Jumper Settings
P6(1-2) Default Function
ON Use default Reset Configuration Word (all zeros)
OFF Default Use Reset Configuration Word in flash
TABLE 3-4 P6 (3-4) Base Zero Reset Jumper Settings
P6(3-4) Default Function
ON Use default Reset Configuration Word (all zeros)
OFF Default Use Reset Configuration Word in flash
TABLE 3-5 P8 (1-2) Base Write-Protect Jumper Settings
P8(1-2) Default Function
ON Disable the write protection of the Base reset configuration word
OFF Default Write protect the Base reset configuration word