ALWAYS stay clear of wires, cables and other
overhead obstructions.
ALWAYS engage the boom travel latches before
towing the trailer.
NEVER allow electrode contact with any part of the
machine while welding from the platform.
NEVER use without the outriggers fully extended
and firmly based.
NEVER override or bypass the manufacturer's
safety devices.
NEVER attach a safety harness to an adjacent
structure, pole, or to nearby equipment while
working from the boom platform.
NEVER raise the outriggers or move the trailer with
materials or personnel on board, or while the boom
is raised or extended.
NEVER sit, stand or climb on cage bars. ALWAYS
keep both feet firmly on work cage floor when
working from the elevated platform.
NEVER attempt to increase working height with
boxes, ladders, stools or any other materials.
NEVER operate this equipment when exposed to
high winds, thunderstorms, ice or any other weather
conditions that would compromise operator safety.
NEVER allow ropes, electric cords, hoses or other
equipment to become entangled in the machine
while raising or lowering the platform.
NEVER exceed the load limits set by the
manufacturer. Use only the Material Lifting Hook,
supplied as an option and manufactured by Bil-Jax,
when lifting materials. Safely stow all tools and
NEVER exceed load ratings by transferring loads to
the lift at elevated heights.
NEVER use cage to carry materials. NEVER allow
overhang of materials when raising or lowering the
NEVER use the boom or platform to push or pull or
to lift any part of the trailer.
NEVER use the boom or platform to place a load
against any structure, materials, or equipment.
NEVER climb on the boom. In the case of power
failure or equipment malfunction, refer to the
instructions for manual operation.
NEVER leave the keys in the boom lift while
unattended or not in use.
Ensure the following safety precautions are
observed whenever maintenance is performed on
the Bil-Jax 3522A Articulating Boom Lift.
General Maintenance
ALWAYS perform maintenance procedures
according too manufacturer's guidelines. NEVER
disregard or bypass proper maintenance
ALWAYS inspect hydraulic system to ensure that all
lines, connectors and fittings are properly fastened
and in good condition.
ALWAYS turn the key switch
OFF before performing
maintenance on valve solenoids or other electric and
electronic devices.
ALWAYS disconnect power to the hydraulic pump
drive motor before making electrical checks of the
hydraulic valves.
ALWAYS keep all mechanical parts properly
adjusted and lubricated according to maintenance
schedule and manufacturer’s specifications.
ALWAYS perform a function check of operating
controls before each use and after repairs have
been made.
ALWAYS locate and protect against possible pinch
points prior to performing maintenance and repairs.
ALWAYS use factory-approved parts to repair or
maintain equipment. If any portion of this equipment
is rebuilt or repaired, retesting is required in
accordance with factory instructions.
ALWAYS maintain a safe distance while testing the
hydraulic components. NEVER test or operate the
hydraulic components while personnel are near the
NEVER allow water or foreign particles into the DC
electric motor housing. Inclusion of water or foreign
particles may cause serious damage to the motor. If
the motor becomes wet, consult Bil-Jax Service
Department for proper drying instructions.
NEVER add unauthorized fluids to the hydraulic
system or battery. NEVER mix hydraulic oils.
Consult manufacturer specifications. Refer to
Section 4 for hydraulic system maintenance
NEVER exceed the manufacturer's recommended
relief valve settings.
NEVER touch or allow metal tools to contact any
electronic components that are sensitive to static
discharge. ALWAYS use static discharge prevention
mats and grounding devices when handling
electronic components.