Specification Value
MC Fluid Cooler
Specifications: Options
■ Where a fluid cooler is installed in a building well or there are high
surrounding walls, it is possible that a proportion of the hot and
humid discharge air will be drawn back into the fans thus increasing
the inlet wet bulb temperature with detriment to the fluid cooler per-
The tapered discharge duct is intended to increase the exit velocity
by up to 70% in order to reduce the effects of recirculation in some
installations. Experience and sound judgement should be exercised to
determine when and if a duct is required.
If the surrounding walls are much higher than the fluid cooler dis-
charge height, then extensions to the tapered duct may be installed.
Discharge Hood:
6.4 Add the following paragraph
to the Mechanical Equipment
Section: There shall be a galva-
nized steel tapered duct on the
discharge side of the fluid cooler.
Drift eliminators shall be reposi-
tioned into the lower section of
the duct.