Specification Value
MC Fluid Cooler
Specifications: Options
Access Door Platform:
11.4 Add the following paragraph in the
Access section: There shall be an
access platform at the base of the fluid
cooler extending across the width of
the casing. The platform shall be gal-
vanized steel bar grating, supported by
galvanized steel framework attached to
the fluid cooler. The platform shall be
surrounded by a handrail, kneerail, and
Distribution System Access Door
10.5 Add the following paragraph in the
Access section: There shall be an
access platform at the level of the
distribution system access door. The
platform shall be galvanized steel bar
grating, supported by free-standinggal-
vanized steel framework attached to
the fluid cooler. The platform shall be
surrounded by a handrail, kneerail, and
Control Options
Control System:
6.4 Add the following paragraph in the
Mechanical Equipment section: The
fluid cooler shall be equipped with a
controlling single-speed or two-speed
motors as required, and designed
specifically for fluid cooler applications.
The panel shall include a main fused
disconnect with an external operating
handle, lockable in the off position for
safety. Across-the-line magnetic start-
ers as required shall be controlled with
a solid state temperature controller.
Door mounted selector switches shall
be provided to enable automatic or
control. Control circuit to be wired out
to terminal blocks for field connection to
remote vibration switches. The tempera-
ture controller shall be adjustable for
the required process temperature. The
temperature controller will display two
temperatures, one for process
■ Where fluid coolers are installed on an elevated grillage or piers, it is
often difficult to get to—and through—the access door conveniently.
This platform provides easy, safe and comfortable access to that door.
■ This platform provides easy, safe and comfortable access to the
access door facilitating inspection of the fill, distribution nozzles and
the underside of the drift eliminators.
■ If it is your opinion that the control system for the fluid cooler be part
of the fluid cooler manufacturer’s responsibility, we are in whole-
hearted agreement with you. Who better to determine the most effi-
cient mode and manner of a fluid cooler’s operation—and to apply a
system most compatible with it—than the designer and manufacturer
of the fluid cooler?
Marley variable speed drives are
also available for the ultimate
in temperature control, energy
management and mechanical
equipment longevity.