
Single Item Cash Sale (SICS)/Single Item
Finalize (SIF) entries
The operation is the same as that for normal PLU/EAN entries.
SICS entries
This function is useful when a sale is for only one item and is for cash; such as a newspaper. This
function is applicable only to those items that have been programmed for SICS.
The transaction is finalized and the drawer opens as soon as you touch the direct PLU (item) key.
If a sale of an item set for SICS follows one that is not set for SICS, the transaction does not finalize
and results in a normal sale.
SIF entries
If a sale of an item set for SIF follows one that is not set for SIF, the transaction is finalized
immediately as a cash sale.
Like the SICS function, this function is available for single-item cash settlement.