Caption (default) Function
CASH TIP In Allows tip entry by cash.
Non Cash TIP In Allows tip entry by check/charge.
Tip Paid Allows payment of tip to an employee.
EDIT TIP Allows to edit tip amount.
Tip Transfer Allows tip transfer/split.
MDSE SBTL (For US tax system)
SBTL Obtains a subtotal.
TAX n SBTL (For US tax system)
TAX SHIFT(Tax Shift n) Allows a tax shift.
DIFF SBTL Obtains difference subtotal.
TAX (For US tax system)
Subtotal VAT Calculates VAT/tax.
M-TAX (For US tax system)
EX n Allows finalization by a foreign currency.
Cash n Allows cash n finalization.
Check n Allows check n finalization.
Charge n (Credit n) Allows credit n finalization.
Cash Transfer Allows a cash transfer to check or credit.
Hotel Transfer Allows a hotel transfer.
GC BALANCE Allows gift card balance.
EXIT Allows to log off.
EMPLOYEE # Allows to enter an employee number.
CLK n Allows a clerk code entry.
CLK # Allows to enter a clerk number.
TIME IN Allows employees time-in operation.
TIME OUT Allows employees time-out operation.
BREAK IN Allows employees break-in operation (salary is not paid during
break in).
PAID BRK IN Allows employees break-in operation (salary is paid during
break in).
BREAK OUT Allows employee break-out operation.
TIME EDIT Allows time edit for employees.
BAL Allows to check balance for employee sales.
EMPL SALES Allows sales for employees.
Emp. Charge Allows charge sales for employees.
Cust. Charge Allows charge sales for customers.
RCPT Allows a receipt print.
RCPT SW Allows a receipt print on/off.
VP Allows a validation print.
CHECK PRINT Allows a check print.
SORT SHIFT Allows a sort shift.
KP HOLD Allows to hold a menu order to remote printer.
KP GO Allows to release a held menu order to remote printer.
RCP SF Allows a receipt shift.