
Your machine has two kinds of PLU registration methods.
Direct PLU registration: Accomplished by depressing item key (direct PLU key) directly.
Indirect PLU registration: Accomplished by making an entry of PLU code and pressing the
Each PLU requires you to program the following:
PLU code (six digits)
Associated department
When a PLU is associated with a department, the following functions of the PLU depend on the
programming for the corresponding department.
• Grouping (Group 1 through14)
• HALO (only for the subdepartment)
• Single item cash sale/Single item finalization
• Item validation print compulsory/non-compulsory
Unit price (max. six digits)
You will usually have unit prices programmed for individual PLUs as PLU preset unit prices. If you program
unit price “0” for a PLU, you can enter only the selling quantity of the PLU, i.e. the PLU can be used only as
a counter.
Base quantity for split-pricing entries - two digits
Program a base quantity for each PLU/subdepartment dedicated to split-pricing entries.
PLU, subdepartment, PLU/subdepartment, delete, or prohibit mode
• If the PLU mode (i.e. automatic preset unit price entry) is selected, individual PLU entries can be made by
entering the assigned code and depressing the
key (or by depressing a direct PLU key without any
PLU code entry).
• If the subdepartment mode is selected, the
key must be depressed after the price entry followed by the
PLU code entry. The entry is finalized by the
key depressed.
• If the PLU/subdepartment mode is selected, the entries in both the PLU and subdepartment modes are
• If the delete mode is selected, the corresponding program data for each PLU is deleted.
• If the prohibit mode is selected, the assigned PLU code cannot be entered. This mode does not clear the
PLU/subdepartment program data.
Sign (+/-)
The function of every PLU/subdepartment varies according to the combination of its sign and its associate
department's sign as follows:
Tax status
Item label (12 characters) (option: max. 16 characters)
Commission group (1 to 9)
Link PLU
Any PLU is able to link to any other PLU (e.g. bottle deposit). However, the number of links is a maximum of
5. Even if more than 5 PLUs are linked, the sixth or higher link is not actualized.
Direct PLU key positioning
+ Serves as a normal plus PLU/subdept.
Serves as a normal minus PLU/subdept.
+ Accepts store coupon entries, but not split-pricing entries.
+ Not valid; not accepted.
Function of PLU/subdepartment
Price lookup (PLU) programming