0198441113586, V2.01, 11.2008
IL•1F CANopen DS301 7 Diagnostics and troubleshooting
Fieldbus interface 77
7.3 CANopen error messages
CANopen error messages are signaled in the form of EMCY messages.
They are evaluated via the objects Error register (1001
) and
Error code (603F
). For information on the object EMCY see chapter "Emergency service".
CANopen signals errors that occur during data exchange via SDO with
the special SDO error message ABORT.
7.3.1 Error register
The object Error register(1001
) indicates the error state of a de-
vice in bit-coded form. The exact cause of error must be determined with
the error code table. Bit 0 is set as soon as an error occurs.
7.3.2 Error code table
The error code is evaluated with the object error code (603F
), an
object of the DSP402 device profile, and output as a four-digit hexadec-
imal value. The error code indicates the cause of the last interruption of
movement. See the Troubleshooting chapter of the product manual for
the meaning of the error code.
Bit Message Meaning
0 Generic error An error has occurred
1- reserved
2- reserved
3- reserved
4 Communication Network communication error
5 Device profile-specific Error in execution as per device profile
6- reserved
7 Manufacturer-specific Vendor-specific error message