36 Fieldbus interface
3 Basics IL•1F CANopen DS301
0198441113586, V2.01, 11.2008
State machine – drivectrl
The state machine is controlled via PDO4 or the SDO object
drivectrl, 28:1, in both cases via bits Bits 0 ... 4.
In PDO mode, a change form 0 to 1 triggers the corresponding function.
In the case of access via SDO, a write access with a set bit value is suf-
ficient, i.e. a change of edge is not required.
The value "0" is a special case: If during transmission all bits 0 ... 7 are
"zero", the product interprets this as "Disable" command and disables
the power stage. This applies to both PDO and SDO access.
Handling of errors If requests for controlling the state machine cannot be executed by the
product, the product ignores such request. There is no error response.
Controlling the state machine PDO4Bits 0 ... 4 SDO object drivectrl, 28:1Bits 0 ... 4
Bit 0: Power stage Disable Triggered when 0 changes to 1 Triggered at write access if bit value = 1
Bit 1: Power stage Enable
Bit 2: Quickstop
Bit 3: Fault Reset
Bit 4: Quickstop Release