3. Implementation of the communication option cards
Configuring the "IO Scanner" page using TCP/Modbus messaging
Using TCP/Modbus services and calling on the Ethernet card’s Modbus server, assign the same drive parameter as for the Altivar 38
register to each periodic register.
The table below represents the default table for the Altivar 38 periodic data as seen by the PLC module.
We recommend that you use the configuration presented above due to the fact that neither PowerSuite nor the pages of the drive standard
HTTP server offer the Altivar 38 parameter addresses during configuration of the periodic parameter assignment table for the Altivar 61’s
VW3 A3 310 Ethernet card.
If the Altivar 38’s VW3 A58310 Ethernet card uses one or more periodic parameters alongside those that are configured by default
(modification of factory settings):
Using the PowerSuite software workshop, pages of the drive standard HTTP server or TCP/Modbus services, you should modify the
configuration of the periodic parameter assignment table for the Altivar 61’s VW3 A3 310 Ethernet card so that it has exactly the same
configuration as that of the Altivar 38 (see previous section).
Parameter incompatibilities
When the IO Scanner is configured via the HTTP server or PowerSuite, the register’s Altivar 61 logic address is displayed, but
only the description matters to you.
No modification should be made in the PLC when the IO Scanner function is being used.
Altivar 38 PKW parameter-setting service
In "ATV38 Interchangeability" mode (SE8 mode), we recommend use of the Altivar 38’s PKW parameter-setting service as described in the
Altivar 38 VW3 A58310 Ethernet card User’s Manual.
Note: Both these services use the same PKE, R/W and PWE output variables (output registers 28, 29 and 31), as well as the same PKE,
R/W/N and PWE input variables (input registers 28, 29 and 31) of the Altivar 38.
SNMP agent
The following modifications apply to the Altivar 61’s VW3 A3 310 Ethernet card:
• "SysName" object: This object took the name of the Ethernet card in the case of the Altivar 38 ("VW3A58310"), whereas it now takes the
name of the Altivar 61, if it exists.
• "SysService" object: Value equals -1 in the case of the Altivar 38, as against 72 with the Altivar 61.
• Use of a "community name": the "community string" character string in read/write mode for the Altivar 61 is "schneider"; "public" in
read-only mode.
For the Altivar 38, it was:
ATV61 register
and address
ATV61 register
and address
50 001
Output periodic
no. 1
CMD 8 501 50 017
Input periodic
no. 1
ETA 3 201
50 002
Output periodic
no. 2
LFRD 8 602 50 018
Input periodic
no. 2
RFRD 8 604
50 003
Output periodic
no. 3
CMI 8 504 50 019
Input periodic
no. 3
LCR 3 204
50 004
Output periodic
no. 4
IOLR 0 478 50 020
Input periodic
no. 4
IOLR 0 478
50 005
Output periodic
no. 5
-- 0 000 50 021
Input periodic
no. 5
AI1R 5 232
50 006
Output periodic
no. 6
-- 0 000 50 022
Input periodic
no. 6
OTR 3 205
50 007
Output periodic
no. 7
-- 0 000 50 023
Input periodic
no. 7
DF1 7 101
50 008
Output periodic
no. 8
-- 0 000 50 024
Input periodic
no. 8
ETI 3 206
50 009
Output periodic
no. 9
-- 0 000 50 025
Input periodic
no. 9
-- 0 000
50 010
Output periodic
no. 10
-- 0 000 50 026
Input periodic
no. 10
-- 0 000