3. Implementation of the communication option cards
3. 6. Communication via Fipio network - VW3 A3 311 option card
3. 6. 1. Reminder of the possible connection methods: Same as existing
3. 6. 2. Presentation
The VW3 A3 311 Fipio communication card can be used to connect an Altivar 61 drive to a Fipio network as a replacement for an Altivar 38.
Its functions have been designed specifically for both periodic- and aperiodic-data transfer by means of a messaging service.
It is designed to replace an Altivar 38 equipped with a VW3-A58311 Fipio card.
3. 6. 3. Connecting to the Fipio bus
If the tap junction connector used with the Altivar 38 is a TSX FP ACC12 connector, no restrictions are imposed when replacing an Altivar
38 with an Altivar 61.
3. 6. 4. Configuring the drive address on the Fipio network
Note: Addresses 0 and 63 must not be used on an Altivar 38 or an Altivar 61.
6 = Tx+
7 = Tx-
TSX FP ACC2 connector
with wiring on the right.
If this tap junction connector is a TSX FP ACC2, the Fipio cables and/or
the TSX FP ACC7 line terminator must be located on this tap junction
connector on the side indicated opposite.
This involves modifying the internal connections to the tap junction
connector, and it is possible that this may pose new problems concerning
cable length(s), see General, page 37
Address 11: 2#001011
Address 34: 2#100010
Address Switches Address Switches Address Switches Address Switches
1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678
0 0000 0000 16 0001 0000 32 0010 0000 48 0011 0000
1 0000 0001 17 0001 0001 33 0010 0001 49 0011 0001
2 0000 0010 18 0001 0010 34 0010 0010 50 0011 0010
3 0000 0011 19 0001 0011 35 0010 0011 51 0011 0011
4 0000 0100 20 0001 0100 36 0010 0100 52 0011 0100
5 0000 0101 21 0001 0101 37 0010 0101 53 0011 0101
6 0000 0110 22 0001 0110 38 0010 0110 54 0011 0110
7 0000 0111 23 0001 0111 39 0010 0111 55 0011 0111
8 0000 1000 24 0001 1000 40 0010 1000 56 0011 1000
9 0000 1001 25 0001 1001 41 0010 1001 57 0011 1001
10 0000 1010 26 0001 1010 42 0010 1010 58 0011 1010
11 0000 1011 27 0001 1011 43 0010 1011 59 0011 1011
12 0000 1100 28 0001 1100 44 0010 1100 60 0011 1100
13 0000 1101 29 0001 1101 45 0010 1101 61 0011 1101
14 0000 1110 30 0001 1110 46 0010 1110 62 0011 1110
15 0000 1111 31 0001 1111 47 0010 1111
63 0011 1111